The Double Life of My Billionaire Husband by Natalie & Sebastian - Chapter 401

Chapter 401


Brandon stared at her, fixated on Natalie’s pink, w*t entrance. “I can’t take it anymore… I’ll make you mine, Natalie,” he declared. A sensation overwhelmed Natalie’s body; she truly desired it. She nodded in response, and Brandon spread her legs, taking in the panoramic view. He positioned his member at her entrance and pushed slightly.

Brandon stared at her, fixated on Natalie’s pink, w*t entrance. “I can’t take it anymore… I’ll make you mine, Natalie,” he declared. A sensation overwhelmed Natalie’s body; she truly desired it. She nodded in response, and Brandon spread her legs, taking in the panoramic view. He positioned his member at her entrance and pushed slightly.

“A-ah,” Natalie groaned as only a fraction of him entered her. Both his member and Natalie were already trembling. Originally, Brandon planned to ease his size into Natalie’s vagina, but hearing her m**n and feeling her trembling, he couldn’t resist and pushed the rest inside her.

“Aaah! B-brand…” Natalie managed to say his name before her l*ps were rendered speechless. It seemed like her body acted on its own. Brandon affirmed, mockingly, “If you say my name like that… I won’t be able to control myself.” Brandon noticed Natalie’s perfect br***ts bouncing vigorously after his th**st. He fixated his eyes on her entire body as he claimed her repeatedly.

Their gasps, m**ns, and the sight of Natalie’s face and body drove Brandon crazy. In an instant, Natalie took charge, pushing him onto his back again. His member, so big and long, sl*pped out due to the sudden movement. Natalie let out a cry of pleasure that reverberated within her as she impaled herself on Brandon’s erect member.

Brandon and Natalie m**ned in unison as she moved vigorously on top of him, digging her nails into his shoulders and ch*st. Brandon firmly held her h*ps, assisting her movements. Their m**ns filled the room without pause. Natalie leaned in to k**s him while still moving, and Brandon placed his arms beneath hers, pushing Natalie’s body onto his member effortlessly.

“Aaah! Ah… A-ah!” They m**ned incessantly. Natalie leaned forward, placing her hands on his shoulders, and Brandon pushed her body down onto his member with ease.

“Oh, God… Brandon!” Natalie’s voice trembled as her body threatened to give way.

“Ja-anet…” Brandon’s voice was filled with desire. He didn’t want to stop yet; he wanted to dominate her further. With a firm grip, he lowered Natalie, turning her face down and spreading her th**hs.

Natalie’s body assumed an incredible shape in that position. The curves of her back and the pronounced cleavage made her irresistibly s*xy.

Without asking for permission, Brandon reentered Natalie’s hot, eager vagina. Natalie cried out in pleasure, reaching her limit.

Brandon th**st into her relentlessly, each movement causing Natalie to m**n uncontrollably and clutch at the wrinkled sheets.

Natalie’s trembling body could no longer hold on. Sensing this, Brandon fl*pped her over once again, positioning her on top. This allowed him to hear her m**ns more clearly and intensified his own th**sts, which grew harder and faster.

Finally, they both reached their climax, shouting in unison. Natalie couldn’t withstand the overwhelming pleasure and collapsed alongside Brandon.

As he looked at his exhausted wife lying beside him, Brandon saw the watery eyes and the marks he had left on her body throughout their passionate night.

Bowing down, he gently k**sed her and then lay down next to her, equally tired. He wr*pped his arm around her neck, pulling her close. Natalie’s eyes were closed, seemingly asleep.

Unable to tear his gaze away from her face, Brandon heard Natalie attempt to speak before he interrupted her.

“Shh… rest, honey,” he whispered softly. Natalie slightly turned her face, silently denying Brandon’s request.

With what little strength remained, she managed to say, “Y-you, Master…” before succumbing to exhaustion and falling into a deep sleep.

This time, Brandon knew he would never be able to forget Natalie…

When Natalie woke up the next morning, she found herself alone in bed, feeling sore from the night before. Clumsily, she climbed down the stairs and was surprised to see that the living room sofa had been replaced. The new black leather sofa caught her off guard, making her blush fiercely.

Brandon, who had just made breakfast and was setting the table, noticed Natalie on the sofa and smiled at her. “It’s time for breakfast, darling,” he called out. Sheepishly, Natalie replied, “Oh, it’s fine. I’ll finish quickly.” Brandon laughed heartily and said, “I’ll wait for you.”

Still feeling embarrassed, Natalie nodded and agreed to let Brandon drop her off at her office after breakfast. It was their first time being intimate since Brandon lost his memory, and surprisingly, everything went well. It seemed that his memory loss hadn’t affected their s*xual compatibility at all.

“You might be late,” Brandon reminded Natalie patiently, placing his hand on the steering wheel. Natalie snapped out of her thoughts and blushed, feeling ashamed. Just as she reached for the doorknob, Brandon grabbed her and k**sed her passionately. nove loz . The k**s lasted longer than expected, leaving Natalie feeling lightheaded when Brandon finally released her. “Relax, honey. I’m your husband, not a stranger,” he reassured her. Natalie’s cheeks flushed even more, and she pushed Brandon away before hastily running into the building.

Before Natalie entered the building, she bumped into Elizabeth and Jorge. Surprisingly, Jorge seemed calmer than usual and greeted Natalie with a polite smile. “Good day, Natalie,” he said. Although Natalie didn’t particularly like him, she responded politely, “Hello.” She couldn’t help but glance at Elizabeth, wondering why she hadn’t taken her advice seriously and decided to stay with Jorge.

